Tuesday, January 18, 2011


     My life is similar to a building. A building will never be strong if it doesn't have a good base and good materials. My life in some way is mostly the same. My base is basically my family and friends who help raised me up. All the struggles, sadness and happiness all are materials that help me build a stronger me. Also, dreams and goals keep myself going through problems. All these things are really important to me. Like a building, without one of these factors, I won't be as strong and have a wonderful life that I'm having now. I can not say I have a good life with no problems occurring in between, but those are the things that help me grew up more. Everything in my life helped me, if I see those as positive, they will be so. I always keep myself on thinking that you don't know if you can do something until you try it, so why we have different adventures everyday to make us a stronger and better person. When I look back, I enjoy every moment I had in this world whether it is bad or good.
    Hope you will enjoy all the songs that are featuring my life. Thanks for your time :D

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