Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tet Homework

I chose the topic "Grammy Awards 2011" for my Tet homework. The first version is from a newspaper called Muc Tim, and the other version is from a site called

- They both give the readers information about who is going to perform and got nominated at the Grammy in 2011.
- They both have colorful pictures related to the topic.
- They both don't have the dates that the news was submitted. 

- The newspaper has a writer name while the internet one doesn't.
- The internet versions have links that you could click in and know more information about certain topics while the newspaper version you could just read what they already have.
- The internet ones have more images that are related to it than the newspaper.

Question 2:
For me, these features could change the readers mind, firstly, the newspaper one has a writer's name so you could know who the writer was. That feature could help the reader have more trust in the news they are reading. That could give the readers a little reliability and worthiness for the newspapers. On the other hand, for the internet one, the pictures that they had could give the readers more trust that they know a lot of right information about the topics.
  Both of the news have features that could give the readers trust in the newspaper. The trustworthiness now depends on the reader if whether they have enough trust for each one.

Friday, January 21, 2011

No Matter What by Boyzone

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     I chose the song "No Matter What" because it brought a great message that I had always have. The title of the song had already brought all the message along it. For me, I think that no matter what other people do, think, or teach me, I won't change my opinion from the beginning. Because according to me, if everyone 's opinions and thoughts are the same, we couldn't have different personalities that defined us from everyone else. Sometimes, people might force me to do something I don't like, I will do what they said, but if I don't want I will do what I want no matter what I see. For me, I would like to keep my own thoughts, feelings, actions and what I believe no matter what. That's how up till now, I have different personalities to everyone else, I would never change that thought. :)

The Climb by Miley Cyrus

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     I chose the song "The Climb" to talk about all the struggles I had in life. For me, I think  solving a struggle is like climbing a really high mountain. Sometimes I can see a great solution to it, but then I feel like there's a voice inside my head saying, "you will never reach it'". Other times, when I started solving it, sometimes I  felt lost and not sure what I was doing that for. I might face a struggle, but I had to keep moving because if I stopped I would fail, just like when I were in the middle of a mountain and if I loosed my hand, I would fall down to the bottom. Sometimes the struggles were really hard, but they still didn't stop me from moving on and solved them. Most of the time, I wanted to solve the struggles to see what I would get in the end, like a climber, they wanted to reach the top to see what they could explore. Sometimes, I lost but I knew that there would always be another time that I could win myself. I would always win as long as I keep moving on instead of getting sad and stopped moving. 

You will always find your way back home by Miley Cyrus

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     I chose the song "You will always find your way back home" because it has a message that I always have in my mind. For me, I always keep in mind the thought that wherever I go, whatever I do, I will always remember my way back home. Because I know that later on whether I'm successful or failed, home will welcome me as who I really was, not what every other people viewed me as. At home, my family, and my friend will understand and help me to become better. They  always welcome me everyday no matter how the weather was, whether if I changed my looks, or what the reasons I'm back for , they will always be the place that I  could always count on. I can forget many things, but I have already promised to myself that I will never forget my way back home. 

Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars

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     I chose the song "Just The Way You Are" to express my thoughts to one of my old friend. We were really close friends for nearly two years.We shared secrets, told each other what we felt and hardly ever lied to each other. Suddenly, when a new school-year started, however he tried to change to make more friends and tried to be famous. Slowly, we stopped being close friend, we rarely talked to each other. But sadly, he changed in not a really good way . Then some of his close friends soon realized the difference and stopped playing with him. Till now, I haven't judged or talked behind his back, but deep inside I just wish that he could be "just the way you are". I wish that he could be the real him and stop pretending to be someone else that is entirely different from who he really is. I know that my wish will  hardly come true but maybe he could change his bad change to become something good. No matter what happen to him, I will always like him because of just the way he is.

I Miss You by Miley Cyrus

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     I chose the song "I miss you" to dedicate to my death grandfather. During the time he was still alive, I was just a little kid. He got many sickness and eventually unaware of what was going on. Although he forgot most of the thing around him, every time I cried he would stand in the middle of the house and shouted at the people whose duty was taking care of me until I stopped crying. I still remember, everyday I went to his room to say goodbye before I went to school and say hello after I was back home. Every time, he would try to squeeze my hand really hard , it seemed that he didn't want to let me get rid of him. One day, I had a happy event in school and I couldn't wait to share it with my grandfather, I was so happy that I was unaware of all the sadness surrounding my house. It was only until I reached his room, right at that moment when I saw my grandfather lied flat on the bed. For me right then, everything had stopped moving. I fell down on my knees crying harder than I have imagined.
    Now,   "I'm thinking of  the past" and realized that it is true that "time went by fast". I miss my grandfather although we had less time together.  Every moment that we did was meant to last forever. It is true that my grandfather is not alive anymore, but for me, he will always stay in my heart no matter where I'm going next.

Send It On by Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and Jonas Brothers

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     I chose the song "Send it on" because I have the hope and dream to achieve the message that this song shares. For me, helping others is a good way to make your life more meaningful. There are many things you could do to help others. One of the way is to give away, just a little thing can change a lot. To me, I think that only "one hand can heal another", "one sparks start a fire", if every of us gives in a little bit, we will make a big change to the community around us. Most of the time, a word I said doesn't do anything, not until I take action along with my words. I would want to do more for the community to be better, I hope this song will reach to more people and the messages of it could make the world that we are living in become a better place.

True Friend by Hannah Montana

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      I chose the song "True Friend" because it brought the same feelings I usually feel and have about my friendships with my friends. From I was younger till now, I have made a few true friends. Now when I think back, without them, I couldn't be what I am right now and some parts of my life could be meaningless. Those true friends understand what I want to express and say although I don't have to say a single word. They "don't get angry when I change the plans", they "won't say 'I told you' when I'm wrong again". They are always beside me whether I'm happy or sad. Sometimes they help me to become who I really am and help me face all the struggles I got ,but not giving up. A true friend of mine always give away without caring of what she will get back afterward. I have a few true friends, all of whom have made an important part of my life. I could never forget all the great time that I spent with every single one of them. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Close To You- Carpenters

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     I chose the song "Close To You" to show my sister and mine relationship with each other. When we are close together, I sometimes felt like I hated my sister because she was telling me what to do. But then I realized all she did was to try to make me better and get out of the problems that she could see ahead of me. When we were close, sometimes we fought and argued really hard, I sometimes wanted her to disappear. Only when my sister left, I started to "long to be close to her", that is when I know she has been a big part of my life all along the way but I have never noticed. So from then on, I appreciated all the time we could spend together. Without my sister, my life at home could be quite boring and I wouldn't know what I should do at certain time. She helped me grow up. I'm thankful for having such a wonderful sister 

Butterfly Fly Away by Miley Cyrus ft. Billy Ray Cyrus

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     I chose the song "Butterfly Fly Away" to express the love of me for  my father. My parents had different ways to show their love towards me ; my mother expressed it by words and emotionally. My father is totally opposite. He silently follows my trail and gives me what I need and secretly protects me from lots of things. Sometimes I had the thought that my mother loves me more but then I thought back and realized that although my father didn't express what he wanted to say, he had been there all the time I was in trouble and needed someone, he was always there. He provided everything I need to change from a small, weak caterpillar into a grown, strong butterfly. He sacrificed many things to help me achieve my dreams, to become better without asking for any rewards for his work. My father could be a normal person in his life, but in mine, he is a superhero that is and always stays in my heart no matter where or what I am. I will never forget what he does to me, for now I will try my best to study  hard to make him happy. I'm really greatful to be his daughter. 

Mama by Il divo

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     I chose the song "Mama" to dedicate to my mom, one of the most important person to me. My mom is really important to me because without her, I won't even exist in this world. My mom usually expresses her feelings through emotions, words and sometimes actions. My mom usually has different emotions. Those emotions sometimes interpret with her actions. Sometimes when she is so mad at me, she might hit me. During those time, I have to admit that I thought that I hated her really much. But after my anger stopped, I thought through what I did that made my mother mad, then I realized that she did all of those just for me to become a better person. Sometimes, I spoke to her in a way that I was not supposed to, but she forgave me and taught me a lesson after that instead of punishing me. My mom sacrificed many things in her life just for me to get what I want and become who I am. Without my mom, I can never be what I am right now. If I could, I would want to say millions of thanks to my mom. I know that I could do nothing to give back what I have received from her. I always tried to make my mom happy, which is one of the most efficient way to reward her right now.  I'm thankful to my mom for what she has done for me. I would never forget what she had done for me. I love my mom really much.


     My life is similar to a building. A building will never be strong if it doesn't have a good base and good materials. My life in some way is mostly the same. My base is basically my family and friends who help raised me up. All the struggles, sadness and happiness all are materials that help me build a stronger me. Also, dreams and goals keep myself going through problems. All these things are really important to me. Like a building, without one of these factors, I won't be as strong and have a wonderful life that I'm having now. I can not say I have a good life with no problems occurring in between, but those are the things that help me grew up more. Everything in my life helped me, if I see those as positive, they will be so. I always keep myself on thinking that you don't know if you can do something until you try it, so why we have different adventures everyday to make us a stronger and better person. When I look back, I enjoy every moment I had in this world whether it is bad or good.
    Hope you will enjoy all the songs that are featuring my life. Thanks for your time :D